
Career Outlook

Your New Career
When you complete your program, you'll know you have the skills for the job.

  • Earn your Career Diploma at home in as little as nine months by studying just an hour a day for your new career.
  • Pursue a freelance career working from home, or anywhere you take your laptop. Or transfer to one of many communications-related jobs in the business world.
  • Jobs with newspapers, business and professional journals, and technical and trade magazines are widely dispersed throughout the country.

Your New Career Opportunities
Thousands of individuals work as freelance writers, earning income from their articles, books, and less commonly, television and movie scripts. Employment of salaried writers and editors for newspapers, periodicals, book publishers, and nonprofit organizations is expected to increase. Both print and online publications and services increasingly are developing market niches, spurring the demand for writers and editors. Projected job openings for writers are expected to increase by nearly 15% through 2018.*

Your New Skills
You'll learn every important part of being a Freelance Writer. Apply the skills you learn in your training program diligently for a successful and secure future. You'll learn how to:


  • Generate ideas for articles
  • Understand specialized markets
  • Write a query letter
  • Understand the copyright laws
  • Utilize the full potential of the Internet
  • Get commissions and assignments
  • And much more! 

*Growth figures represent a ten-year period ending 2018. Source: “National Industry-Occupation Employment Matrix,” a publication of the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Program Overview

Learn the skills you need to begin a career as a Freelance Writer — at home, at your own pace, with the Continuing Education Center .

You need certain skills to begin a career in Freelance Writing. The Continuing Education Center Freelance Writer Program helps you learn them quickly and conveniently.

You will learn about:

  • The business of writing and getting in the writing habit
  • Reference sources for writers, types of fiction
    and nonfiction
  • Using the Writer’s Market
  • Submitting manuscripts and working
    with agents and editors

And you’ll learn it all at home – no classroom needed! You’ll get valuable information about how to set up your own home office and begin your Freelance Writing business. It’s like having your own personal Freelance Writing school!

Start a rewarding career in the growing field of Freelance Writing.
Why take a Freelance Writer distance education training program? With the right credentials, you can:

  • Work for clients such as advertising agencies and newspapers.
  • Work for publishing and printing houses and magazines.
  • Get published by pharmaceutical companies and online publishers.

Demand for Freelance Writers will increase nearly 15% through 2018.* A career as a Freelance Writer holds opportunities for growth and change as new markets with special niches are developed, appealing to readers with special interests. Freelance Writing makes up much of the content of online publications.

Contact the Continuing Education Center Today.
Find out more about Freelance Writer training that includes:

  • All the books, lessons, equipment, and learning aids you need
  • Your copy of the Writer’s Market
  • Unlimited instructional support
  • Access to student services by website, phone, and mail

Get more information today and in as little as nine months from enrollment, you can be on your way to a new career as a Freelance Writer!

*Growth figures represent a ten-year period ending 2018. Source: “National Industry-Occupation Employment Matrix,” a publication of the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Program Outline

Instruction Sets
Your program consists of six Instruction Sets written to take you step-by-step through the techniques and skills you'll use in your new career.

Here's how it works
Your first Instruction Set will be sent immediately after your enrollment has been accepted. Other Instruction Sets will follow as you complete your exams, so that you will always have training materials to work with.

You will need access to a Microsoft® Windows®-based computer (running Windows Vista or later) and the Internet in order to complete your program with the Continuing Education Center.

Here is an overview of what you'll learn and the order in which you'll receive your lessons:

Instruction Set 1

Learning Strategies
The advantages of learning at home; types of study materials; types of examinations; accessing and using the features of our website; determining what kind of learner you are; establishing a study schedule; using study tips; preparing for and taking examinations.

The Freelance Life
Explains the publishing industry; how to identify staff-written and freelance articles, market a freelance product, submit a professional manuscript, and work with agents and editors.

Instruction Set 2

The Writing Habit, Part 1

Explains how to discover ideas from other articles, identify types of freelance articles, recognize the difference between objective and subjective writing and the essential elements of all objective articles, how to recognize the most marketable types of fiction and keep a notebook or journal for writing projects.

The Writing Habit, Part 2
Review basic grammar elements, learn how to distinguish connotation from denotation, increase your vocabulary, use language effectively, critique and revise your own writing, and write a short feature article.

Supplement: Winning With Words

Instruction Set 3

The Business of Writing
Explains how to generate ideas for articles, understand specialized markets, research markets for your article, write a query letter, understand the copyright laws, set up a home office, keep accurate records of correspondence with editors and publishers, and tax receipts.

Reference Sources for Writers
Learn how to use library resources, search the Reader’s Guide to Periodical Literature and other resources, recognize the available specialized periodical indices, use professional directories to locate expert sources, contact recognized experts for information and/or interviews, and understand the Internet’s resource potential.

Supplement: Parts of Speech

Instruction Set 4

Reading for Writers (study guide)
Learn to identify writing techniques and structural differences in fiction and nonfiction, trace the genesis of a piece of writing from initial concept to completed work, and how to critique others’ work for structure, focus, and market.

• Pocketful of Prose, Volume II
• Telling Stories / Taking Risks

Supplement: Word Usage

Instruction Set 5

Using the Writer's Market (study guide)
How to quickly find information in the Writer’s Market, understand the terms used in it, how to request writer’s guidelines from publications, locate suitable markets in the guide, and judge the marketability of your work.

Textbook: Writer's Market

Supplement: Sentence Skills

Instruction Set 6

Becoming a Professional
Learn to assemble a writer’s resume, conduct a successful interview, get commissions and assignments from editors, present your manuscript to an editor in a professional manner, supply photographs to accompany articles, guard against accusations of libel, and maintain high ethical and professional standards.

Becoming a Specialist
Discover how to analyze your life and educational experiences, know the requirements of the writing trade and technical publications and house magazines. Learn how and when to specialize in more than one type of freelance writing, how to present editors with credentials qualifying you as an expert in your area, how to discuss your specialty with editors to obtain publication opportunities, and learn what it takes to maintain expertise in your specialty area.

Supplement: The Elements of Style

Once you’ve reached this point in your studies, you’ll be able to choose an area to specialize in and complete a graded assignment. The assignment will be a short article or story, a proposal, outline, or synopsis for a piece that you could send out for publication.

These options are available:

• Option 1: Literary Fiction
The materials include an introduction to fiction, an overview of children’s literature and the short story, and instructions on planning a novel.
• Option 2: Genre Fiction
The materials include an introduction to the fiction genre, and an overview of the mystery, science fiction and fantasy, romance, and horror genres.
• Option 3: Nonfiction
The materials include an introduction to nonfiction, an overview of the essay, feature writing, writing for the media, and writing for business.


Online Library and Librarian
Students in the Continuing Education Center have access to an online library for use during their studies. Students can use this library to do the required research in the courses they complete or can use it for general reference and links to valuable resources. The library contains helpful research assistance, articles, databases, books, and Web links. A librarian is available to answer questions on general research-related topics via email and to assist students in research activities during their studies with the Continuing Education Center.

We reserve the right to change program content and materials when it becomes necessary.



Your tuition includes all books, learning aids, unlimited instructional and student support services.

Click Here Now to enroll in this program or call 620.276.9647